The Museum is fortunate that, over the years, St. Michaels residents have donated unusual objects and memorabilia commemorating their family's' years on the Shore. Learn more about donating objects to the St. Michaels Museum.

All God’s Chillun’ Got Shoes
Ruth Starr Rose (1947), serigraph

All God’s Chillun’ Got Shoes
Ruth Starr Rose (1947), serigraph

In the first decades of the 20th century, St. Michaels photographer Thomas H. Sewell and others created dozens of postcards depicting life in St. Michaels. A representative sample of their work can be found here.

In the first decades of the 20th century, St. Michaels photographer Thomas H. Sewell and others created dozens of postcards depicting life in St. Michaels. A representative sample of their work can be found here.

Late 19th Century Stove Sample
Door-to-door salespersons would take miniatures like this on the road to illustrate how a full-size stove would look and function.

Late 19th Century Stove Sample
Door-to-door salespersons would take miniatures like this on the road to illustrate how a full-size stove would look and function.

Ithaca Calendar Clock
Ithica Calendar Clock Co. Inc., ca. 1865

Ithaca Calendar Clock
Ithica Calendar Clock Co. Inc., ca. 1865

Steam iron (with copper reservoir, crimping iron with base, small iron for delicate fabrics, late 19th century

Steam iron (with copper reservoir, crimping iron with base, small iron for delicate fabrics, late 19th century

War Workers in St. Michaels
Ruth Star Rose (1942), seriagraph

War Workers in St. Michaels
Ruth Star Rose (1942), seriagraph

Lard Press & Sausage Stuffer
Patent 1876, 1883 Enterprise Manufacturing Company

Lard Press & Sausage Stuffer
Patent 1876, 1883 Enterprise Manufacturing Company